Airport Permits

Official access to Amman Civil Airport requires an official security permit.

Temporary permits are issued against an official request stating the reason, date and time of the visit.
Permanent permits are issued for employees, stakeholders, investors, etc.…. noting that as per the national Aviation Security Regulations Permanent permits holders will have to go through a security awareness course once every 2 years.

  • Permanent Security permit form please click  ..... here
  • To apply for a temporary permit, kindly complete the form " Temporary permit form " and send it to
  • Vehicle Security permit form please click ..... here

To obtain or renew your annual permit, you can complete the required security awareness course online. Simply register on the permit portal and click on the “Online Security Awareness Course” option to start the course.

This manual "Permits Portal user manual " will help in explaining and subsequently following the steps that are to be taken in using the Permits portal.